Better water management

Better water management

  • Reduces irrigation water required
  • Increases plant resilience in extreme water conditions
  • Treated fields absorb water more easily, with less surface run-off
  • Reduces salinity build-up in soil from irrigation water
  • Reduces water contaminants by using them as an energy source, rendering them harmless, or less toxic in most cases

StandUp® reduces soil compaction, and improves soil tilth and aggregation. This enables the soil to absorb and hold more water to a greater depth, decreases surface run-off from irrigation or rainfall and allows roots of plants to penetrate deeper into the soil to access held moisture. As a result StandUp® can reduce the need for irrigation water volume up to 25% depending on the crop.

Use of microbiological fertilizers such as StandUp® helps farmers to better resist climat change, namely changing rainfall patterns, unusual storm events and droughts. Flooded fields treated with StandUp® drain far quicker than compacted soil treated only with chemical fertilizers, which can be a critical factor having a significant negative impact on farm profit, particuarly with high value vegetable crops.



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