Two randomised plot trials were conducted in 2015 and 2016 in Greece with different variants on irrigated cotton. The basic objective was to determine the beneficial effect of StandUp® when applied at the rate of 10 liters/ha with 50% of the grower standard chemical fertilizer application.
The use of StandUp® at the prescribed rate with 50% of chemical fertilizer provided very clear beneficial effect, not only in yield increase but also more vigor in the early stages of plant growth, healthier and bigger root systems, better ball settings.
Trial reports are available on demand.
2015 SumaGrow®+50% grower standard vs. grower standard
2016 SumaGrow®+50% grower standard vs. grower standard
2015 SumaGrow®+50% grower standard vs. grower standard
2016 SumaGrow®+50% grower standard vs. grower standard
In 2015, the yield increase with StandUp® applied was 1.95 tons/ha in non-delinted cotton, while in 2016 the yield increase with StandUp® was 1.74 tons/ha. The resulting recommendation for cotton growers in Greece was to reduce their normal fertilizer by 50% and replace with 10 liters/ha of StandUp®.